Bonus Song: "Dancing in the Street"
A cover by the Struts is pure fun, so play it loud and run the video full-screen!
By Kent Anderson
The Struts — a newish band from the UK — are hot, with songs like “Body Talks” bringing pure rock attitude and energy to the popular music landscape — and thank the heavens, because if I hear another mid-tempo singer’s song with fingersnaps and lounge bass lines, I might just curl up and die. This band has fun, brings huge energy, and writes snappy lyrics, like the line, “Don’t you know who I think I am?” from their super-catchy song “Primadonna Like Me.” (Your head might explode from the catchiness of the chorus on this one.)
To get a sense of how much fun this band is, here’s a video of their cover of the classic David Bowie and Mick Jagger collaboration, “Dancing in the Street.”
Get ready to dance!